Windows xp setup very slow

Good to know that the OS isn't as slow as the last part of the installation process where I had to wait for around 5 minutes for one segment of it to load. It's not a very fast booter though; when I select some tab on, say for example, Properties, the entire screen would refresh and you would mostly see black as well as other parts which are parts of the desktop.

Re: Windows XP very slow by mpack » Sun May 06, am I assume you understand that you need to install the Guest Additions to get good graphics performance.

Chapter 4 of user manual. Also, I assume when you set the number of vCPUs to 2 you then reinstalled XP, as XP will not use cores that appear after it has been installed - at least not without some work. Board index All times are UTC. Get VirtualBox. Intergration Services does not like the Statndard PC setting. A fellow MVP and myself are leaning toward a possible hardware issue.

I am curious. Do you have a similar server that you could possibly install a different hypervisor on? Possibly use XenServer. This would help identify if the issue is specific to Hyper-V in some way, or possibly resides at the lower hardware layer. I have seen one similar issue that I am trying to get more information on. Thursday, October 8, PM. Thank you for the link. I have another server that is Running Hyper-V it part of the same cluster They are identical. The issue happens even on the other machine.

These servers are certified for Windows with Hyper-V. There is nothing out of the ordinary about these servers.

Fibre Storage. Server is fully update to date wtih every firmware updated to the latest available. Hi, Actually, VMware server is not based on hypervisor. Best Regards, Vincent Hu. Monday, October 12, AM. Monday, October 12, PM. Hi, It seems that there are some misunderstanding, what I mean is to change the physical CPU for the host machine and then test whether you get the same bad performance on Windows XP VMs.

Wednesday, October 14, AM. Wednesday, October 14, PM. Best regards, Vincent Hu. Monday, October 19, AM. Hello, This is just a shot in the dark, probably already considered. Until I do that, performance sucks in regards to mouse operation on ESX.

This may have changed since R2. Perhaps the Integration Components change this setting for us, and thus my post won't help you. I don't currently have a Hyper-V running to check this out for this post. Rich P. I came upon this thread while starting a new question and saw the "Related Topics" appear. Very cool. The XP on Hyper-V just jumped out at me. Also, line breaks in these posts sometimes get erratic when retyping into previous paragraphs.

An example is the line break after the word "Settings" above, and the period after "ESX4" occurring on a separate line. Once submitted this may correct itself. I am just re-editted this to advise it did get fixed after submitting it. Friday, December 11, PM. To prevent any confusion among people who come to this thread in the future, it is a fact that there are certain processors that are flawed. With certain older processors, it is impossible to get good performance from bit XP virtual machines.

Changing Hardware Acceleration settings doesn't change the fact that certain older processors need to be replaced. Problems have been reported with both AMD and Intel processors - but limited to only a few specific models. Please understand that the vast majority of processors are just fine. For those of you who want to delve into the details of this problem, if you want the abridged version to save time, focus on the posts from Microsoft, me, Brian Ehlert, and forums username hughescj.

Saturday, December 12, AM. Is there a definitive list of the processors exhibiting problems? Thursday, January 7, PM. I am following up on your request. Thursday, February 11, PM. It would be nice if there is a list of processors that have been known to cause issues. Friday, March 26, PM. Tuesday, April 6, PM. I faced this problem when I using dynamic disk. After convert to fixed disk, my WinXP run as normal.

Wednesday, April 28, PM. I'll try once my Hper-v machine is up. I have a simalar problem but if i add my user account to schema admins the xp virtual pc runs nice and fast like before. I cannot find any reason why this should be the case. Defragmenting the hard drive means organizing data randomly stored on your hard drive into contiguous blocks and optimizing free space.

This should be done quarterly. Manual Local System Alerter Notifies selected users and computers of administrative alerts. If the service is stopped, programs that use administrative alerts will not receive them. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.

If this service is stopped, out-of-process requests will not be processed. If this service is disabled, this computer will not be able to use the Automatic Updates feature or the Windows Update Web site. If the service is stopped, features such as Windows Update, and MSN Explorer will be unable to automatically download programs and other information.

If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it may fail to transfer files if they do not have a fail safe mechanism to transfer files directly through IE in case BITS has been disabled.

If the service is stopped, ClipBook Viewer will not be able to share information with remote computers. If the service is stopped, SENS will close and will not be able to provide logon and logoff notifications. Manual Local System Computer Browser Maintains an updated list of computers on the network and supplies this list to computers designated as browsers.

If this service is stopped, this list will not be updated or maintained. Automatic Local System Cryptographic Services Provides three management services: Catalog Database Service, which confirms the signatures of Windows files; Protected Root Service, which adds and removes Trusted Root Certification Authority certificates from this computer; and Key Service, which helps enroll this computer for certificates.

If this service is stopped, these management services will not function properly. Started Automatic Local System Distributed Transaction Coordinator Coordinates transactions that span multiple resource managers, such as databases, message queues, and file systems. If this service is stopped, these transactions will not occur. If this service is stopped, this computer will not be able to resolve DNS names and locate Active Directory domain controllers.

Started Automatic Network Service Error Reporting Service Allows error reporting for services and applications running in non-standard environments. This service cannot be stopped.

If this service is stopped, Help and Support Center will be unavailable. Manual Local System Human Interface Device Access Enables generic input access to Human Interface Devices HID , which activates and maintains the use of predefined hot buttons on keyboards, remote controls, and other multimedia devices.

If this service is stopped, hot buttons controlled by this service will no longer function. If this service is stopped, this computer will be unable to record CDs. Manual Local System Indexing Service Indexes contents and properties of files on local and remote computers; provides rapid access to files through flexible querying language. If this service is stopped, dynamic disk status and configuration information may become out of date. The service only runs for configuration processes and then stops.

Manual Local System Messenger Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted. If this service is stopped, software-based volume shadow copies cannot be managed.

Manual Local System Net Logon Supports pass-through authentication of account logon events for computers in a domain.

Started Automatic Local System Net. If this service is stopped, remote desktop sharing will be unavailable. If this service is stopped, DDE transport and security will be unavailable. If this service is stopped, DDE network shares will be unavailable.

Disabled Local System Network Location Awareness NLA Collects and stores network configuration and location information, and notifies applications when this information changes. Manual Local System Office Source Engine Saves installation files used for updates and repairs and is required for the downloading of Setup updates and Watson error reports.

Manual Local System Performance Logs and Alerts Collects performance data from local or remote computers based on preconfigured schedule parameters, then writes the data to a log or triggers an alert. If this service is stopped, performance information will not be collected. Manual Network Service Plug and Play Enables a computer to recognize and adapt to hardware changes with little or no user input.

Stopping or disabling this service will result in system instability. If this service is stopped, protected content might not be down loaded to the device. Started Automatic Local System Protected Storage Provides protected storage for sensitive data, such as private keys, to prevent access by unauthorized services, processes, or users.

If this service is stopped, Remote Assistance will be unavailable. Before stopping this service, see the Dependencies tab of the Properties dialog box. Manual Network Service Remote Registry Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computer. If this service is stopped, the registry can be modified only by users on this computer. If this service is stopped, this type of logon access will be unavailable. Automatic Local System Server Supports file, print, and named-pipe sharing over the network for this computer.

If this service is stopped, these functions will be unavailable. If this service is stopped, this computer will be unable to read smart cards. If this service is stopped, these tasks will not be run at their scheduled times.


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