This server is no longer in or could not enter a licensing grace period. Join our community to see this answer! Unlock 1 Answer and 21 Comments. Andrew Hancock - VMware vExpert. See if this solution works for you by signing up for a 7 day free trial.
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XenDesktop 7. XenApp 7. What licensing models are available for XenDesktop? Concurrent User licensing model. What is a Concurrent license model? Concurrent — This license is only consumed for the duration of the active session.
A user can, on any device, make a connection to one virtual desktop and unlimited virtual applications. Once the user has finished and the session has ended the license is released back to the pool.
If assigned to a device, it allows unlimited user connections from that device. If assigned to a user, it allows that one user unlimited connections from any device.
TCP — Vendor Daemon — strict licensing only. TCP — Director and Studio license integration. Subscription Advantage Customer Success Services — Entitles you to free upgrades whilst the Subscription Advantage license is still in date. This means if you have purchased XenApp 7. If however 7. XenApp all editions apart from Secure Browser edition. All features of XenServer 7. Note: XenServer comes with rights to deploy supporting infrastructure services such as Active Directory and SQL, as long as these services are purposely serving the Citrix infrastructure solely and they are deployed on the same resource pools as your Citrix environment.
Previously all versions apart from Platinum stored up to 7 days of trend data for XenDesktop or XenApp. Platinum previously and currently can store up to a years worth of historical data and includes the ability to integrate NetScaler HDX Insight in to the Directoy console for easy viewing. Some features in Director are only available with Platinum licenses, such as custom reporting.
Only User or Device models are currently offered. VDA is available through Volume Licensing. CPX containerised. Appliance Maintenance must be purchased for physical appliances. NetScaler Gateway. Tags: citrix , licensing , subscription advantage , xenapp , xendesktop. Port 80 and need to be open within the Windows Firewall. Choose to automatically create these rules and click Next.
Review the Summary and click Install to begin the installation. The install is now complete. Citrix Scout is also installed on all Delivery Controller servers. At this stage we will now move on to installing Citrix Studio and the Licensing component. Citrix Studio and License Server. In production you would have these components on seperate machines. Firstly, again launch the XenApp 7.
Since we want to install Studio and the License Server, click Delivery Controller as doing so will allow us to select two components to install in one go. Select Studio and License Server and click Next. Review the Summary and click Install. Choose to Launch Studio and click Finish. When Studio launches, you will be asked for the Delivery Controller address to get started. Enter your Delivery Controller address and click on Connect. Once the connection from Studio to Delivery Controller is successful, you will have three options as shown below.
Since we have no existing Citrix Site and want to deliver applications and desktops to our users, we will choose option Deliver applications and desktops to your users.
Give your site a name. I have chosen CitrixPro. You have the option to run through the wizard based configuration, or create an empty, unconfigured site which is the manual approach. I will choose to configure a fully configured, production ready site. Click Next. At this stage. It is time to create the Database. For beginners I think Citrix technologies can be a bit daunting. One of my pet hates is software vendors marketing material. So in this article I will outline, in layman terms but from a technical point of view , what Citrix XenApp is, what it can do, and how it works.
I am trying to keep in simple so I cannot include every possible feature or configuration scenario, of which there are many. The idea is to give you a high level overview. What is Citrix XenApp? In its simplest form XenApp is just a piece of software or a collection of pieces of software.
What it does XenApp allows you to install applications on a server and then access those applications without having to install anything on the client apart from the Citrix client software. All processing is done by the server. To the users it mostly looks and feels like the application is running locally on their client operating system. It is also possible to publish the server desktop and give users a complete Windows user interface on the server along with access to the applications installed on it.