Xterm defaults file

For example, on my system, xterm start with black text on white background, and I want it the other way around. I can do it by starting it with:. I want to set in a config file that if I run it without arguments, it will start with these options. And here's a full guide to. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Config files for xterm Ask Question. Asked 11 years, 8 months ago. Active 8 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 22k times. I can do it by starting it with: xterm -bg black -fg white.

Di you try xrdb. Xdefaults before re- launching xterm? Improve this answer. Reggie Reggie 4 4 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges. According to wiki. Xdefaults file is read every time you start an X program such as xterm, but only if xrdb has not ever been used in the current X session. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Stack Gives Back I tried upgrading xterm, but it is still Improve this question. Serge Poele. Serge Poele Serge Poele 1 1 silver badge 9 9 bronze badges. This page suggests that the client class part XTerm in your case is case-sensitive. I don't know how Xresources works, but some speculation: Maybe you're running different versions of xterm between your boxes somehow?

Post xterm -version? Maybe different distros call the xterm program different class names? I don't know how to check for this. Try it with a font you know is properly installed on that system.

Terminus font is successfully installed and used by all X applications including Xterm and Rxvt on both Arch and Ubuntu. I just tried that and it still does not work. But if I try xterm. So basically, ". I will update the post with this test. Show 1 more comment. Active Oldest Votes. At the application level, the class name is usually fixed for a given application, typically to the capitalized application name, and sometimes other letters are also in uppercase, e.

Applications using the X toolkit support an option -class to set the class name, as well -name to set the instance name which defaults to the base name of the executable. For example XTerm. At the widget level, there can be multiple widgets with the same class, for example multiple buttons in the same window.

Xterm has a single widget of class VT , called vt , which is the terminal emulator part that covers the whole window. There are wildcards:?

Improve this answer. Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. This is such a beautiful and unique answer. There are so many. Xresources posts on SO, but nothing touches upon classes and instances of X applications. Thank you so much for this; this brings a whole new understanding of X apps configuration. Thank you so much Gilles. Following your discussion I found the link to X programmer documentation that expands on the terminology you provided here see below and also "Creating a widget".

What I still don't understand is this. From your explanation, "XTerm" should set "geometry" field for every instance of XTerm class, which means every new XTerm instance should be 40x Thanks again.

I think that makes sense: on my Mint laptop I can probably speculate that there are some configurations that are set by Mint developers. However, this is an educated guess, and can't really prove this somehow.

Nevertheless, thanks for all answers. I am definitely sticking to Xterm and Urxvt now that I learnt more about configuration. SergePoele What's the output of appres XTerm xterm grep geometry?

Show 6 more comments. Here's some points overlooked: resource names are case-sensitive : XTerm is not the same as Xterm is not the same as xterm , etc.


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