100 greatest ps2 games ign

As with all lists of this nature, it's going to come down to personal preference. Sports gamers, for instance, are obviously going to throw quite a few more of their favorites on the list. Likewise, RPG nuts have been uncommonly blessed with some wonderful examples of the genre. As a result, we can't claim that this list is anywhere near comprehensive, but out of hundreds of possible games, we tried to whittle things down to the titles that most of us agreed on.

It's neither perfect nor definitive, but hopefully you'll agree with most of the games and our reasons for adding them, though we're positive there will be no end to the complaints about their actual placement. But hey, this is an interactive and at times intensely personal kind of experience; people are bound to have emotional investment in their personal favorites.

Now let's get this party started. Final Fantasy These are the titles that get all the oohs and ahs. How did your favorite do? This article ran a long, long time ago.

It's , so we're updating it. Though not quite as long in the tooth as our co-op feature our little best-of list for the purdiest games on the PS2 is nonetheless in slight need of an update.

It's safe to say that at this point we're probably not going to see anything that can dethrone the current kings of the visual scene on Sony's indomitable console that could. A testament to Ken Kutaragi's Engineering savvy, the PS2, much like the PS3 today, was a system initially lambasted for being hard to code for. Unlike today, the PS2 at this point in the lifecycle was well past being the de facto platform for games releases in its generation, and as such, some of the more prolific and tech-heavy developers were capable of making absolutely gorgeous games that managed to supplant even our original picks in the years that would follow.

Here, then, are just a few of the titles that upped the ante -- including one that was originally going to be a PlayStation 3 title. Guess which one? Good guess, here's a piece of delicious ice cream cake! Have you played Jak 3? YES NO. Was this article informative? In This Article. In Jak 3, an exciting new open world stretches from the farthest reaches of the wasteland to the strife-torn heart of the city.

Release Date. The Biggest Games of This sequel took this dynamic duo from the colorful world of Sandover village to the seedy underbelly of Haven City, and with this change came new combat, new traversal, and a story with far more intrigue, twists, and dynamic characterization than what came before.

While the gunplay and carjacking and hoverboarding were a new addition to the series, physical combat still played a huge role, and the introduction of Dark Jak made for the ultimate power fantasy that kept evolving over time.

Jak 2 is a satisfying and thrilling adventure that stands out as the best game of this iconic trilogy. Disbarred attorney and video game industry pest Jack Thompson would have you believe that 'Bully' is a game without merit, a public nuisance, a "Columbine simulator". In truth, Rockstar's 'Bully' is anything but — in fact, Bully is a game where you fight back against bullying, build social networks that connect various insular groups, and where you are, in fact, punished for not attending class.

God of War was the total package. A technical marvel, featuring some of the most visually impressive boss fights ever seen, it offered up a fantastic mix of combat, puzzle-solving, and challenging platforming, all wrapped up in a compelling story about a very, very very angry man.

Above all else, though, the original God of War planted the seeds of what would eventually become one of the greatest action game series of all time.

Its gorgeous painterly style is more than enough to draw people in, but its charming story, creative puzzles, and fun action-driven combat prove to be unwavering pillars of radiance all on their own, making Okami a must-play on both the PS2 or its modern consoles alike. Every Final Fantasy game tries to switch things up and keep the genre fresh, but Final Fantasy 10 made some of the biggest changes the series had ever seen.

The switch to a Sphere-grid leveling system and removal of the Active Time Battle system made Ten more accessible, its story was easier to understand, and, for the first time ever, the in-game cutscenes had characters that could actually pass as real human people thanks to the hardware upgrade of the PlayStation 2.

Its hold on your nervous can be best evoked with that famous call to action: jump down the hole? One of the most divisive and brilliant games of all time, Metal Gear Solid 2 is constantly shifting what the player thinks they know and understand about the game into something completely different. A game about the spread of misinformation that actively used misinformation in so much of its marketing, MGS2 was thematically and mechanically ahead of its time, even though it initially turned off fans and critics by replacing series hero Solid Snake with the younger, more It has, however, aged like a fine wine, and is still widely regarded as one of the best stealth games — both with and without vampires — ever created.

Grand Theft Auto 3 may have revolutionized the open-world action game with it's 3D third-person perspective, but it was the sequel that took the concept and perfected it. Vice City upped it's game in nearly every conceivable way. It added a story that was both a compelling narrative and expert satire of all its 80's-era inspirations, a cast of memorable characters voiced by hollywood pros - including the likes of Ray Liotta, Dennis Hopper, and Burt FUCKING Reynolds - improved on almost every aspect of its mechanics and gameplay and Vice City still has one of the best video game soundtracks ever.

Even now, after being ported to PC, handheld and mobile platforms, Vice City remains not just one of the best PS2 games every, but one of gaming's all-time greats. Soulcalibur II This is another game that I got rid of and can't quite remember why; I've always thought that the SC series was one of the better fighting game franchises out there, with a storyline that was deeper than most games in the genre and a cast of characters that really reminded me in a lot of ways of the characters from Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat; I really want to get my hands on the third installment in the series at some point, and might also go back out and re-purchase SC II as well Guilty Gear X2 Frequency Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus This game reminded me in a lot of ways of old-school side-scrolling NES games like Ghosts and Goblins and the old SNES and Gameboy versions of Donkey Kong Country, except with a 3d graphics engine; the background characters were great, as were the graphics and level designs Final Fantasy X This is hands-down my favorite game in the Final Fantasy series, and would be much higher if I were going to put together my own list of the Top PS2 titles of all time; however, that's neither here nor there.

The reason that FFX ranks as my 1 favorite FF game is due to a combination of factors, most primarily the storyline and the characters; the battle system, party switching mechanic, and Sphere Grid are also awesome Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Katamari Damacy God of War Resident Evil 4 I'm not usually a fan of this type of game, but bought RE4 due to the game's high placement on a list of the Top 25 PS2 Games of All Time [also compiled by the folks at IGN], and was pleasantly surprised by the game's mechanics and storyline; the creepy atmosphere also reminded me in a lot of ways of the old Castlevania games from the NES, the original Metal Gear Solid, and one of my all-time favorite NES games, Maniac Mansion Rez Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening This is another game that I didn't like - at least after an initial playthrough, short though it was - as much as I was expecting to; however, given how short my initial playthrough of the game was, I definitely need to play it again to see if my opinion changes Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner My favorite aspect of the game is the fact that the entire story is essentially one giant flashback, as narrated by the titular Prince; I especially like how he'll chime in with comments like 'no, no, that didn't happen' or 'that's not what happened' if you - as a player - screw up and die without being able to reverse your mistakes using the Dagger of Time Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Virtual Fighter 4: Evolution This is another game that I didn't like as much as I thought I would, although there are definitely certain things I like about it, the character designs being one of those things Guitar Hero II Burnout 3: Takedown Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 9.

Gran Turismo 4 8. Kingdom Hearts Even though I haven't gotten that far in it and haven't played it for years, KH is still one of my favorite RPGs of all time, and one of the most purely innovative games in the genre; the elements that make up the game are so disparate that they shouldn't mesh at all, which makes it all the more satisfactory - and surprising - that they do in fact work and work well.

Okami If there's one game that deserves to be called the equivalent to Nintendo's classic Zelda series, it's Okami; this game takes everything that made games like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask so great and memorable in terms of game mechanics and tosses behind it one of the most interesting - and original - storylines I think I've ever seen in a video game, which is made all the more awesome by the fact that said story is based on Japanese mythology and folklore 5.

Ico This game may be one of the most under-the-radar video games in the history of video games, and is certainly one of the most under-the-radar games available for the PS2; it's also one of my favorite video games ever from any genre or console; part of the reason I love this game as much as I do is because of how unique, interesting, and unassumingly complex it is, even though it seems at first glance to be your average, run-of-the-mill platorm adventure game 4.

God of War II 3. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 1. Shadow of the Colossus I absolutely LOVE this game; everything about it is dang near perfection; the game mechanics and graphic design truly make it unlike any other video game I think I've ever played; if you own a PS2 and you've never played this game, get your hands on a copy, because it is truly well worth your time and energy to play. Joined: May 22, Location: Sydney, Australia.

Glad to see Okami place so high - it's easily one of my favourite games for any system, if not at the top of that list. KH has almost unworkable controls making gameplay frustrating especially during combat , and unlike DigificWriter , I find the characters in FFX particularly Tidus incredibly unlikeable, along with some awful voice acting, making me not care about them or the story.

Geck , Oct 30, Joined: Feb 24,


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