Allen national manual

Mechanical Accountant Description This key-driven adding machine has a brown metal case and eight columns of nine plastic or ceramic keys. The rightmost three columns of keys are black with white numbers, and the other five columns are white with black numbers.

Complementary digits are indicated on the keys. Results appear in a row of nine windows in back of the keyboard. The latest number entered appears in a row of eight windows behind this. A metal lever in front of the keys cancels an entry, but not the total. A crank on the side zeros both sets of windows. The windows are covered with translucent greenish plastic, which is cracking.

There are four rubber feet. The simultaneous operation of two columns where a carry is involved results in loss of the carry. Compare References: J. Patent , granted August 22, Patent ,, granted July 30, Patent ,, granted February 10, Mechanical Accountant Description This key-driven adding machine has a black metal case, and seven columns of nine plastic or ceramic keys and one column of seven keys.

The two columns left of this are black with white digits. The next three columns left of this are white with black digits, and the two leftmost columns are black with white digits.

There is an opening for a zeroing crank, but no crank. The windows are covered with translucent plastic. The tag is also stamped: DEC. No serial number was found. Compare MA. Pike Style E Adding Machine Description This full-keyboard printing manually operated adding machine has eight columns of black and white color-coded keys. In back of each column of digit keys is a red key, which may be intended for zeroing the column.

The machine has a metal case painted black, and is painted green under the keyboard. The total, which may have as many as nine digits, appears in a row of number dials at the front of the machine. Above the keyboard is a dial that records the number of items added. Behind the dial is the printing mechanism and a 30 cm. Also present are a total key and various other unmarked levers and function keys.

The operating crank is missing from the right side. The Pike adding machine was first manufactured in In Burroughs Adding Machine Company purchased the company, and developed the machine into the Burroughs Class 3 and then the Class According to Pike patents of and early , the company was in St.

Universal Model 5 Adding Machine Description This full keyboard printing manually operated adding machine has a metal and glass case, with the metal painted black. The keyboard is covered with green felt. There are nine columns of black and white color-coded plastic number keys, with a red clearance key at the bottom of each column. Two of the clearance keys are missing.

The key stems for the number keys are bent to ensure that the keys form columns. A button on the left clears the entire keyboard. There is also a lever to the right of the keyboard. When it is shifted up, the keyboard automatically zeros after addition. When it is shifted down, the keyboard remains set after an addition, so that the lever also serves as a repeat key. A crank in the right side of the machine drives it. Behind the keyboard are nine white numeral dials that show the result through glass windows in the case.

When the repeat lever is shifted up, the clearance button is depressed and the operating crank is brought forward, and the total decreases it seems likely that this is supposed to zero the adding wheels. At the top of the machine is a printing mechanism, with a two-colored ribbon. The carriage is 33 cm. The eight platen positions are set manually by release levers at the top. This is a blind printing machine, with the paper or paper tape emerging at the top so that it is visible to the operator.

It has a two-color ribbon. A bell on the carriage handle rings when one approaches the bottom of a piece of paper. It is marked behind the keyboard, over the result dials: Universal. It was introduced in about Burroughs discontinued production of the machine. Kidwell and M. Wales Model 10 Series Adding Machine Description This full keyboard manually operated printing adding machine has a metal frame painted black, with glass sides and front, and a glass panel in front of the number dials.

There are nine columns of plastic keys, with the keys colored according to the place value of the digit represented by the column. To the left of the keyboard is total key, above the number keys are red plastic repeat and error keys, and behind the numeral dials are non-print and non-add keys. These nine dials are behind the keyboard, with divisions for U. The metal crank for operating the machine is on the right. At the back of the machine is the printing mechanism and a inch 33 cm. The machine is extremely heavy.

The case must be removed to replace the ribbon. It is marked on a list of 17 patents on the back of the machine with the first patent date: DEC. The last patent date given there is: NOV. The Wales adding machine is based on patents of the inventor Charles Wales, a native of Maryland who had a long career as an inventor of adding machines.

He first applied for an adding machine patent in as a resident of Detroit. By , he was assigning his patents to the Adder Machine Company. That company moved manufacture from Detroit to Pennsylvania in From the first, Wales was interested in designing machines in which the results of computations were visible to the operator this was not true on Burroughs adding machines of the time.

Wales adding machines featured visible printing of results. Wales soon left the company that bore his name to work for Burroughs, and patented a visible printing mechanism used in their machines.

Reference: J. Wales Model 10 Series Adding Machine Description This full keyboard printing manually operated adding machine has a metal frame painted black with glass right and left sides and front and a glass panel in front of the number dials behind the keyboard. Below the nine columns of black and white color-coded plastic keys, the keyboard below is covered with green felt.

A total key is to the left of the keyboard, a red plastic error key and a key stem areabove the number keys, and non-print and non-add keys are behind the numeral dials. Divisions for U. The metal operating crank is on the right. A list of patents includes the first date DEC.

Wales Model 20 Adding Machine Description This full keyboard printing manually operated adding machine has a metal frame painted black with a glass panel in front of the number dials. Nine columns of black and white color-coded plastic keys arise from a the metal keyboard that is painted green.

Total and subtotal keys are to the left of the keyboard. Red plastic repeat and correction keys are above the number keys, and a key stem and non-add key are behind the numeral dials. A bell is at the far left of the carriage.

There is a two-color ribbon. It is marked on the back with a list of 19 patent dates. The last is: JULY 5. It is marked on the carriage: The serial number, shown on the front of the machine at the bottom, is: There is a metal stand painted black, with a wooden table on the right side. The stand is stored separately. Its dimensions are: 56 cm.

Compare to MA. Victor Adding Machine Description This full-keyboard, printing adding machine has a steel frame painted black and green There are eight columns of color-coded black and white metal keys with digits written on paper and covered with clear plastic the keys resemble those on early typewriters.

The total appears in eight glass-covered metal windows over number dials at the front of the machine. There are total and non-add keys left of the number keys and a repeat key on the right. The total key also clears the machine. A metal crank with a wooden handle on the right of the machine operates it. Behind the keyboard is a two-colored ribbon, printing mechanism, and fixed narrow carriage.

There are nine type bars, eight for digits and one for special characters. There is a serrated edge for tearing off the paper tape. This ….

Jokari Super 4 Plus Wire Stripper is a low-cost, quality wire stripper that can be the primary wire stripper in most toolboxes and tool belts. This page is a bit of a self-serving collection of Allen-Bradley pdf manuals I frequently utilize at my day job. I'm storing them here for easy consolidated access. Feel …. Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook provides proven planning and scheduling strategies that will take any maintenance organization to the next level of performance. Never mow while people, especially children, or pets are Always look down and behind before and during reverse nearby.

Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for Shut off and raise the cutting units before operating the accidents or hazards occurring to other people or their mower at transport speed. Inspect the lawn mower mable vegetation. Arresters must be obtained from your for damage and make repairs before restarting and op- engine dealer and are not available from National Mower eration the lawn mower; Company.

Worn, damaged, or loose decals must be replaced. The decal part number and the location of the decal on the mower are listed next to each decal. Read the instructions for the Dial-A-Height adjusters in the Operations section of this manual. Remove the two Wing Cutting Unit Belts from the steering column. To release the latch, lift the wing cutting unit handle until the latch swings upward into a nearly vertical position. Add fuel as required. Reels and bed the engine manual for type of fuel and other safety knives are very sharp.

Reels rotate freely and rotating requirements. Pulling brake lever back, toward the rear of the machine will disengage the brake. To raise the height of cut, turn the engine clutch lever, remove the socket clockwise viewed from above.

Check grease level by loosening intervals using the proper lubricants to ensure maximum the bolts in the differential case flanges and spreading service and long life of your machine. Upper countershaft 1. Front wheel bearing 2. Steering Kingpin Lower countershaft 3. Front axle pivot 4. Steering column 2 places 5. Brake pedal pivot 6. Idler pivot bracket 68 DL only 7. Rear mower pivot tube Rear axle 2 places


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