Apollo 13 download ita

Andy Aldrin Self as Self archive footage. Joan Ann Archer Self as Self archive footage uncredited. Walter Cronkite Self as Self archive footage uncredited. Lyndon B. Johnson Self as Self archive footage uncredited. Todd Douglas Miller. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. On its fiftieth anniversary, the events surrounding the actual Apollo 11 space mission are presented solely using archival footage and still photographs of or associated with the mission.

The events span from the eleventh hour preparations for the launch to shortly after the safe touchdown of the capsule with its three astronauts back on Earth. The mission is historic as the first time humans had stepped on the surface of the Earth's moon. It arguably made household names of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as the first and second to walk on the moon, and slightly less so for the third astronaut, Michael Collins , who remained inside the capsule at the time.

It was arguably the most dangerous space mission at the time in part to the astronauts leaving the safety of the capsule. Witness the last time we were One. Did you know Edit. Trivia Several of the recordings captured by the astronauts during the mission are featured in this documentary.

Goofs The incident involving Buzz Aldrin's bio-med sensors going out, leading him to crack wise, saying, "I promise I will let you know if I stop breathing," occurred during the return voyage, on day 8 of the mission, but is depicted at approx 48 minutes into the film as happening during the approach to the moon before the separation of the command and lunar modules.

Quotes Neil Armstrong : One small step for man Alternate versions In , an edited version of the film, cut down to 45 minutes for exhibition in museum IMAX theaters, was released as Apollo First Steps. User reviews Review. Top review.

Best footage yet. Highly recommend. One example: Video 6 Mobility and Presidential Call. The English folder is empty. I hope you can help. And thank you very, very much for the footage.

I've fixed that now. Please try again and let me know if you encounter any problems. Thanks for the praise! Thank you so much Buongiorno a tutti gli appassionati, volontari e a Paolo.

Aprire l'applicazione connetterla al proprio account Google Drive e alla propria Chromecast. Navigare nelle folder di Google Drive, fino a trovare il video di proprio iinteresse e buona visione Il video e l'audio del computer usato, saranno "replicati" sulla propria televisione.

Cliccate sul video che interessa, e mettetelo a tutto schermo, e Buona visione!!! Spero di aver dato il mio piccolo utile contributo!!! Paolo perdonami ma perche' al posto di avere questi limiti di banda e condivisione, per un progetto culturale di cui puo' giovare l' intera umanita' tra italiano e inglese , non lo metti su youtube o vimeo per intero in full hd, o magari anche semplicemente su google drive con un link di condivisione se non vuoi che chiunque possa scaricarlo o pubblico?

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