Tap Check for Updates. BlackBerry uses cookies to help make our website better. Some of the cookies are necessary for proper functioning of the site, while others are to help us understand how you use it.
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Services Overview. Financial Services Banking Insurance. BBM Enterprise Installation instructions, administrator guides, help documentation, support and troubleshooting.
BBM Enterprise Support. BlackBerry AtHoc Support case management, online training, operator checklists, best practices resources and more.
AtHoc Customer Support Portal. BlackBerry will be taking steps to decommission the legacy services for BlackBerry 7. Read the FAQ. Related Resources. View All Security Bulletins. View All Security Notices. Tap Check for Updates. If an update is available, tap Update to start the update process.
When the software update has finished, restart when prompted. Depending on the size of a BlackBerry 10 update, or personal. This is also a good process IF you want a complete wipe and new OS installed to start with a like-factory fresh device. Software version Backup Notes: When you backup using Link, you can make one total backup, or divide that backup into three different databases Setup Media App Data.
I always break that backup into the three different databases so that I can restore each separately because I have had some issues with a full restore failing in the App database restore, so then I can safely restore only Settings and Media.