Bunch household sims 3

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Contains items from expansion pack:. This Exchange item contains items from a Stuff Pack. This Exchange item contains one or more items from a stuff pack. If you own the stuff pack s noted below, the item will download properly. Depending on the included item, if you do not own the stuff pack s noted below, you will either be able to download but receive a similar default item, or you will be blocked from downloading until you register the games below. Contains items from stuff pack:.

Update Your Game. It looks like the item you are trying to download requires an update to your game. Your current game version number is located in the bottom-left corner of your launcher. All updates are free! This user unlocked this background by becoming a site moderator. You have reached the maximum number of items you can report at this time. To download this item, please install the expansion pack s listed below. This Exchange item requires all of the below to be installed, otherwise it will not install in your game.

Requires items from Expansion Pack:. This item came packaged with an exclusive store promotion. Cancelling a Treasure Hunt. Are you sure you want to cancel the Treasure Hunt? SimPoints Limit Reached. Your account has reached the maximum number of Sim Points allowed. Please try again when you have fewer Sim Points in your account. Your FREE simpoints will continue to be available to you until you have reedemed them. The serial code you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid serial code and re-submit.

What does this mean? You may have entered the code wrong. You may have already used the code for another account on this site. You may have purchased a used copy of the game and the serial code was used by the original owner. If you purchased a digital version of The Sims 3 base game, expansion pack, or stuff pack from Origin, your game is automatically registered to your account.

You do not need to re-register your serial code with TheSims3. Zombies 2 Plants vs. Zombies Heroes Other Plants vs. Thank you And happy Holidays :- Solved!

Me too. Message 1 of 5 17, Views. Reply 1. Accepted Solution. Re: How do I increase my family size sims 3 without mods? December Hi, yes, you need a mod. You'll be using at your own risk. Please read these first for already reported issues: Compiled list of reported Issues Been asked for a save? Here's instructions: How to provide your save game Post 7. Message 2 of 5 21, Views. Reply 0. She was once thin, but after 4 kids and many months of pregnancy cravings, she became obese.

Ethan, the oldest, is very popular at school and has a great relationship with all of his siblings, including Lisa. He is very good at school as well. Lisa is the second oldest who seems to be the opposite of her older brother. She is mean, gets into fights and steals things, making her the troubled teenager. She is good friends with VJ Alvi and may have a crush on him.

The third oldest is Arlo, who is extremely hyperactive and athletic and loves to play sports. He is very good friends with most of his family members, except his younger sister Darlene who picks on him. Although she has the trait Daredevil , the trait Absent Minded would be suitable for her as well because occasionally, a question mark thought bubble appears over her head while she is doing ordinary day tasks.

Darlene has medium length blonde hair, like her older siblings. Her hair is in pigtails and she has long bangs that cover her eyebrows. She also has a spiceberry colored tank-top shirt, possibly picked out by her mother because spiceberry is Judy's favorite color. She has freckles like her older sister, Lisa. Interestingly enough, her name means "tenderly loved" however she does not get enough attention and love from her parents. She is one of the few Sims to have freckles.

When the family is first played, Darlene is 7 days from becoming a teenager.


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