Cannot delete desktop folder vista

Is it because the programs were installed by the admin login? I actually reformatted this pc and installed from scratch. When I installed DI it created an icon for both users.

I would opt for just going round and logging on as admin and deleting it off. If his users are like mine they will probably try and install some games or a bit-torrent client. I have had an issue like this as well. The user had Webroot spyware sweeper with the spyware shield option turned on. This basically locked down changes to some settings on the PC for that user. For example we were unable to: uninstall applications, change the homepage,modify desktop icons, or make changes to the registry while it was running.

By disabling the app the changes can be made and then the app can be turned back on. Hope this helps. Later Days, Brian. Before you image the machine just delete the icons off and then you won't have the problem of the user not being able to delete them.

I may have over thought the answer not knowing your situation, but I think Dean K got it When I make my PC images, I follow this guide I don't get too involved making it completely seemless for all hardware profiles, but I do get all the NIC drivers on the image so that I can at least add the machine to the domain during the mini setup and access a network share to install all other drivers manually.

If just a normal generic user then you can enable the guest user through GPO or best still create a user in Active Directory call something like your company name then temp i. If you mean an ADMIN temp user then i would just rename the local admin account to focusadmin and have a password that is complex but easy to remember i.

I have recently gone through creating images for our machines and might be able to you if you have anyproblems, as i ran into many as my OS were all OEM you can contact me on skype my username is focusithelpdesk.

If you have lots of wkstns, then prepare this in excel, substitute computername for your pc names, and lookup the filename of the shortcut????. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks.

Best Answer. Hope that helps. Status This thread has been Locked and is not open to further replies. The original thread starter may use the Report button to request it be reopened but anyone else with a similar issue should start a New Thread. Watch our Welcome Guide to learn how to use this site. Joined May 19, Messages 4. Hello, I have been trying so hard to get rid of a folder which is empty and sitting on my desktop, only problem is it will not let me delete it no matter what.

I have tried everything on google bascially - Safe mode, Killbox and other and yet it won't let me delete it.

It seems the last tip seem to work but I cannot undrestand a word said in that tip I am sitting here pulling my hair out If anyone can atleast give me step by step of that last tip? I will be ever so greatful to you! Joined Aug 3, Messages 1, The only thing that could keep your from deleting it with a boot disc is a damaged HDD.

I'm sorry I have no idea what those names are I don't think my HDD hard drive disk is damaged though Thank you for the reply. Ent Josiah. Joined Apr 11, Messages 5, As you will know, most programs such as word won't let you delete or edit an open file. It is a safety feature to make sure no changes are lost from one action deleting, editing upon saving the file in word. In the same way some programs remember which folder they last saved in and opened from, using that as a default.

This applies the same effect to the folder. You want to check through your programs that opened files in the offending folder if it held graphics, check paint programs for example and if any defaults to this folder, change it to something neutral like My Documents by saving a new file in My Documents Since this is a safety feature, I don't recommend procuring any super-power-folder-deleters, or you could have some useful and possibly expensive software that crashes whenever you try to save or load.

Th poster already tried booting into safe mode and useing Killbox so the issue isn't a program is using the file or folder. A check disc verifies the files and folder structure as well as a few other items.

To run a check disc do the following: 1. In properties click on tools -under "error checking" Click on "check now" 3.

Check disk opens up. Click Show All Devices. You should see a list of your Mac's available storage locations appear on the left side of the screen. Select your Mac's hard drive. It's in the sidebar menu to the left. If your Mac has more than one hard drive, make sure you click the one on which the file you want to delete is stored. Click the First Aid icon. It's a tab which resembles a stethoscope at the top of the window.

Click Run when prompted. Doing so allows Disk Utility to begin scanning and repairing your Mac's hard drive. Delete files if asked. If Disk Utility reports an "overlapped extent allocation" error, you will be asked to take action; in this case, you can delete any damaged or corrupted files in a related list. If you see the file you want to delete in this list, do so before proceeding. Open the Finder and navigate to the file and click it.

Then drag it to the Trash to delete it. You may still need to use Safe Mode to delete the file if it's used frequently by a default program. Method 7. Download and install SD Maid. SD Maid is a system cleaning app for Android.

It can help you delete some files that you cannot delete in the My Files app. Be aware that some files on Android can't and shouldn't be deleted because they are part of the root system or a specific app. Type "SD Maid" in the search bar at the top. Tap Install below SD Maid. Open SD Maid. SD Maid has an icon that resembles the Android robot wearing a maid's uniform.

The icon with the three horizontal lines is in the upper-left corner. This opens the menu. Tap Storage analyzer. It's near the bottom of the list of options below "Tools" in the menu.

Tap the storage drive with the file you want to delete. The public storage drive labeled "Primary" is the internal storage for your phone or tablet. The public storage labeled "Secondary" is the SD card. Tap the storage that contains the file you want to delete.

Tap the folders on the screen to open the folder. Files associated with a specific app are usually in a folder with the app's name. Files downloaded from the internet can be found in "Download" and random files can be found in the "Documents" folder. Tap and hold the file or folder you want to delete.

This selects the item. A bar will appear at the top of the screen. Tap the trashcan item. It's in the upper-right corner of the app. If it hasn't been deleted, try deleting it in the SD Maid app. You may be able to delete it after removing it using SD Maid. Back up and reset your Android phone or tablet. Unfortunately, no solution is going to work in every instance on Android.

If you cannot delete a file, you can try to back up your Android phone or tablet, and then reset it. You can restore your Android phone from the backup during the initial setup process. This should only be done as a last resort, and only if you really need to get rid of the file. Shut your phone down and connect it to your computer. Be wary, though, as the files they don't want you to delete are there for a reason.

Not Helpful 7 Helpful I can't delete my file because it says that the file couldn't be found, I have followed all the steps but still can't delete it. Anyone one know how to delete it? Using the "Long Path Tool" any file can be deleted even the long file name. Try that and see if it works for you. Not Helpful 9 Helpful 6. Highlight the folder, left click and press "rename.

You should be able to delete the folder then. Not Helpful 13 Helpful 8. How do I delete a desktop folder when it says the file name is too long? It will not let me rename it. It is the most helpful tool for deleting files. Try it. Not Helpful 6 Helpful 0. Not Helpful 5 Helpful 0. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

Safe Mode disables most of the programs and services on your computer to ensure that processes such as deleting stubborn files won't be impacted. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. System-level files, such as DLL files on Windows computers, are responsible for your computer's basic functions and appearances.

Deleting system files will ruin your computer, at which point you'll either need to reinstall your computer's operating system or buy a new computer. You Might Also Like How to. How to. About This Article. Written by:. Co-authors: Updated: June 11, Categories: Windows Files. Nederlands: Hardnekkige bestanden verwijderen. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. Using your tip to delete in command prompt while Explorer was closed with Task Manager worked like a charm.

More reader stories Hide reader stories. Is this article up to date? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Bruce Laberdee Apr 18, John Smith Aug 2, I was unable to delete a folder for weeks and I literally tried every way I could think of to get rid of it.


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