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It appears your browser does not have it turned on. Please see your browser settings for this feature. EMBED for wordpress. Dark Pit Magnus Pyrrhon Dyntos. Chaos Kin Space Pirate Captain. Games Weapons Characters.
Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? He wear orange clothes and a black cape and has a large face and light blue skin. He can turn into an ugly orange bat with a human head with a big mouth. Alucard appeared in the episode "Return to Castlevania".
He is depicted as a stereotypical surfer here, as opposed to his serious and dark nature in the real games. Alucard is Dracula spelled backwards. He is the main character from the game Kid Icarus. He is smaller in this cartoon. He is voiced by Alessandro Juliani. Often ends terms with Ancient Greek prefixes such as "-ius" and "icus" for example, he refers to Simon Belmont as Simonius.
A character that works for Mother Brain. He had a large role in the show, despite being a regular enemy in Kid Icarus—Medusa was the main villain. Mother Brain is the main villain of the cartoon and from the Metroid game series. The main character from The Legend of Zelda games. He wields a magical Sword and Shield, and is Kevin's favorite game character.
Ironically, Link initially does not seem to like Kevin very much and comes off as standoffish and rude towards him, partially due to Kevin proving a more capable warrior in Hyrule.
They later reconcile and become friends, working together to defeat Ganon and recovering the Triforce. A main character of the Zelda games. She is a princess and is something of a love interest for Link. The main villain of the Zelda games.
He is an evil wizard and looks like a pig. He is easily defeated by Link, having a spell reflected back at him. Moblin, Stalfos looks like an alien skeleton , Goriya a blue monster with a samurai armor , Iron Knuckle, Horsehead.
Donkey Kong is a huge ape who lives in Kongoland, and an escapee from Mario's circus. At one point, he kidnapped Mario's niece Pauline, so Mario had to chase him down to a construction site to rescue her. Donkey Kong kidnapping Pauline was the main plot of the original Donkey Kong arcade game. A fat monster with blue skin, a crown and boxing gloves that works for Mother Brain. He is a fighter from the game Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! He is voiced by Garry Chalk, who would go on to voice Guts Man in the Mega Man cartoon series, who is similar in voice and personality.
A anthropomorphic wombat in a costume, essentially a parody of the Adam West Batman. MMKB Explore. Game info. Video Games. Comic Episodes Characters. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? All images MUST now have proper attribution, those who neglect to assign at least the "fair use" licensing to an image may have it deleted. All new pages should use the preloadable templates feature on the edit page to add the appropriate basic page markup.
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