Intended for Windows 7 bit or bit computers with Service Pack 1 installed, the following can be done with or without User Account Control active. You will also need a copy of Resource Hacker , a free tool designed to enable you to modify, add, rename, delete and view resources in Windows EXE files. In this window, click Edit and then under Change owner to , select your own login name and click Apply. Select this, click OK to add the login, and you will be returned to the Security tab. You should then copy the winlogon.
Next, install Resource Hacker and launch the software from the Windows Start menu by right-clicking and selecting Run as Administrator. Close Resource Hacker and copy the winlogon. Open Start and type CMD , right-clicking the resulting command prompt icon and selecting Run as administrator. Type mcbuilder and tap Enter , then wait until the process is complete the cursor will flash on a new line. To undo this and restore the original message, simply start the process again, replacing your custom message with "Welcome".
Alternatively, delete winlogon. Once this is done, close the Windows registry and restart your computer to apply the changes. While you can also logoff and login, locking your computer will not display the new font. However, you can change the weight of the textthat is, how prominent it appears in front of your chosen background. You have a choice of the following:. We've looked at login screen tweaks for two versions of Windows, those that are currently most popular: Windows 7, and Windows Although third party software and changes to the Windows Registry are required to make these customizations, the results can be impressive, especially when combined with a custom login screen background.
Looking for more Windows tweaks? Here are six tools for tweaking the Windows 10 Start menu. The command prompt is still a powerful Windows tool. If you selected Menu, it will only change the font of your menu list. Bob Is Interested. I've changed many aspects of Windows like color oft he window background, etc, but one thing I can't see how to do is change the default Microsoft font. It tends to be something like Times New Roman but its weight is very light resulting in something hard to read when you're not using a white background that has too much glare and is fatiguing over long periods of time so I use a light gray.
How to change the weight of that font? Its the font used when opening any Help file for example. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Karen Her Microsoft Agent. Hi Bob, Desktop wallpaper images have varying colors and it is easy for the font colors to be unreadable if they are on top of the same color as the wallpaper image.
You can follow the steps to change your font: Right-click on your desktop. Select Personalize. Click Windows Color. Go to Advance Appearance Settings. Click the Item drop-down, select an item to customize. Change the font type, size, and style based on your preference. Click the Apply button, then click OK. You may need to restart your computer in order for the changes to take place. Let us know how it goes. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.
In reply to Karen Her's post on February 2, In reply to Bob Is Interested's post on February 4, In the Personalization window, click Window Color option. Click Advanced Appearance Settings in the following dialog box. However, in some versions of Windows 7, the Window Color and Appearance window will appear immediately. It might be kind of hard to see but its the best I know how to do. Please help. This thread is locked.
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