Clear windows live mail errors

The list contains the following categories: Error code Error type Description More Information The following list of error codes may be returned in Windows Mail or in Windows Live Mail if a failure occurs when you send mail or when you receive mail. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you!

Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Once you configure your outgoing emails. You can send other emails to check whether the error is still there or not. When windows 7 stopped supporting, then many of the users switched to windows Some of the users are still using WLM on Windows Many of the users complained as they were unable to access their Live Mail Account. This was caused as Microsoft does not want its users to use WLM anymore.

Also, a firewall or antivirus can block a port that is used by the email client. This is generally caused by using a third-party antivirus firewall or suites. The Windows built-in firewall is configured to allow the port through it. If not then you can configure it manually to block it. When the application is unable to connect to a mail server then it leads to 0xccc0e windows live mail error.

Also, your mail server is responsible for storing, sending, and retrieving your email messages. WLM does not support Windows 10 and also the latest versions.

So, the user should avoid using WLM. Users are facing problems when they are using WLM on windows. There is no such solution available to this problem. You can continue working on the Window Live Mail until it stops working or you can move to another mail client like Outlook. I have come up with the conclusion for the most common Windows Live Mail Errors and how to fix them.

Also, I have provided step by step solutions to solve the problems caused by these errors. I have also mentioned the expert solution i. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. Solution for the Above Error You can fix this problem by re-configuring your mail server with Windows live mail.

First, you have to open Windows Live Mail and then go to Accounts. Now, select the Server type. You can now type the Server address and Port number in the server address option. By this, you can tick the Secure Connection SSL After that, you have to write the server address under the Outgoing Server Information section and then write the Port number in the port type field.

At last, click Next. For the solution to this Window Live Mail Error, you can refer to the below-mentioned steps. The easiest solution is to simply re-create the email messages that you want send that are stuck in the outbox.

During our research in finding out what causes this problem, we read many online forums that suggested the problem may be due to a conflict with an anti-virus program running on your desktop. Find any emails that are not sending out. You will need to copy the content of the email and send it as a new email with the new account.

Once you send the email again, you can delete the email in the Outbox. The error will go away after the sent email is deleted. Now I cannot open Windows Live Mail.

If your Windows Live mail account is configured to connect with InMotion, then I recommend that you contact our live technical support team to help troubleshoot your account.

I did look up the issue through search and found this post that may help to resolve the issue. No Outbox any where. Does this not work any more because Windows no longer supports Windows Live Mail? I love my Windows Live mail. But the people receive the e-mails I am not sure everyone receives them. Thank you for contacting us. The outbox should be able to be deleted from the WIndows Live mail client, is this what you are using?

Srsly wtf do they do this to us. Clicking on the HOME tab gets me nowhere. I like to use my live. So where are those emails going? Thanks for your help. Sorry for the problem with your LIVE mail client. Fortunately, the issue does have a solution.


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